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another Mediation

Dear Linus,
I hope you had good and sunny holidays in Canada because my time with my mum was amazing.

I know you don’t have much time. That’s why I got directly to the point. You asked me for more information about Edgar Allan Poe and I found a German article in “Der Spiegel” in the fourth edition of 2009 which is called “Der Anglist und Biograf Hans-Dieter Gelfert, 72, über Edgar Allan Poe und die Schönheit des Schreckens”. In the interview, Gelfert says Poe was a poet, storyteller, critic and philosopher and during the master of Morbid his favourite topic was the death of beautiful women. In America, he is not so famous because he accept slavery and isn’t against it, doesn’t like the democracy, is an alcoholic and married a 13-years-old. “Der Spiegel” wrote that Poe likes the irrational and the abyss of the soul but in contrast the detective Dupin solves the cases with extreme rational analyses. At last, Gelfert responded to “Der Spiegel” that Poe likes to highlight the beauty and the beauty of horror.

I think these are the important facts from this article about Edgar Allan Poe. If you want more information, you could translate some articles or write me another email. I would like to hear from you.

Yours sincerely,


12 Sherlock Holmes Remastered Unterricht Characterisation of John Watson when they first met


12 The Tell-Tale Heart Unterricht 10 facts about Edgar Allan Poe
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